Urias® Stroke
Rehabilitation Air Splints
Arden Medical Ltd. are a trade only supplier. If you would like to purchase any of our Urias® or Pilar® products, we have a select set of international distributors from which you can purchase.
Other Services
Contract Packaging
Contract manufacturing and packaging with customer supplied materials or our own sourced materials. Processed in controlled areas, our skilled technicians process and inspect products to customer requirements.
Clean Room Services
Arden Medical Ltd. has the capability to prepare and pack medical devices or products within our ISO 7 cleanroom facilities. Our experienced team offer a confidential, high quality and efficient service for all your cleanroom needs.
About Arden Medical Ltd.

Arden Medical Ltd. manufacture and distribute medical devices for hospital and homecare patients worldwide. Primary products include a range of non-sterile specialist inflatable Air Splints and accessories for an aid to rehabilitation of Cerebral strokes, head injuries, Multiple Sclerosis and post operative limb surgery.
Originally developed as an aid to the “Margaret Johnstone Concept” of Cerebral Stroke Rehabilitation, the unique Urias® Splints have become an invaluable aid in most techniques used in rehabilitation cycles today, including special sized paediatric, junior and child splints for therapy often found beneficial in cases of Cerebral Palsy, Brain Damage, Development Delay or Post Operative Orthopaedics.
Arden Medical Ltd. are registered with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and The British Standards Institution (BSI). Our clean room is also ISO Class 7 certified and we are members of the Federation of Small Businesses.
Our URIAS® & PILAR® Distributors